What Is A Carousel Post And How To Post One On Instagram [2024 Guide]

Jan 12, 2024 3:38:36 PM | What Is A Carousel Post And How To Post One On Instagram [2024 Guide]

Learn all about the Instagram carousel, its size, and how to post a seamless Instagram carousel.

Are you ready to take your social media game to the next level? Look no further than the carousel post! This dynamic multi-media format is a must-have in any modern social media strategy. Not only do they allow you to showcase a variety of photos and videos in a single, swipeable post, but they also provide a unique opportunity to tell a more complete and engaging story. 

With our help, you can master the art of the carousel post and learn how to captivate your audience with diverse and compelling content. Whether you're promoting your business or expressing your personal style, the carousel post is the perfect tool for enhancing your digital presence. So don't wait, and let's get started!


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What Is A Carousel Post? 

At its core, what is a carousel post? It's a format that allows users to share up to 10 photos or videos in a single Instagram post. Viewers can swipe through these images or videos, making it an interactive experience. This Instagram slide post format is not just a tool for personal sharing; it has substantial implications for brands and businesses as well.

For instance, consider a fashion blogger showcasing an outfit. Instead of choosing a single angle, they can use an Instagram carousel post to display the outfit from multiple viewpoints or include close-ups of accessories. Similarly, a food blogger might use a carousel post to share a recipe, with each slide detailing a step in the cooking process.

What is the advantage of a carousel post for businesses? It allows for a more comprehensive display of products, different aspects of a service, or a step-by-step guide to using a product. This multi-slide approach results in richer storytelling and potentially higher engagement as users spend more time swiping through the content.

What Is Instagram Carousel Size In 2024?

Stick to the following Instagram carousel size requirements:

  • Square (1:1)
  • Horizontal (1.91:1)
  • Vertical (4:5)

In addition to the above-mentioned requirements, do this:

  • For crisp images, use a resolution of 1080 x 1080 pixels. 
  • For videos, the ideal range is between a minimum of 600 x 600 pixels and a maximum of 1080 x 1080 pixels. 

This approach guarantees your carousel posts are visually appealing and properly displayed.

Related reading: What are Instagram Reel Sizes?

Why Should You Post An Instagram Carousel? 

Carousel is the top Instagram format. Here’s why.

At Lift, after experimenting with various formats like Reels and Single Posts, we found that Carousels outperformed in terms of both Reach and Engagement.

While Reels are often utilized by bloggers for interactive and fun content, carousels remain the top choice for delivering valuable content, much like in the past. Our key takeaway is to diversify strategies and not solely depend on Reels. While they are undoubtedly effective, each format serves different objectives and should be strategically employed to achieve your goals.

Here’s what we’ve found out. Swipe left:

What’s more, posting an Instagram carousel can be highly beneficial for several reasons:

  • Increased Engagement: Carousels can drive more engagement than single-image or video posts. The swipeable format encourages users to interact with your content longer, increasing the likelihood of likes, comments, and shares.
  • Storytelling and Depth: With up to 10 slides available, carousels allow for more comprehensive storytelling. You can convey a narrative, showcase different aspects of a product, or share a series of related images or videos, providing depth to your content.
  • Showcase Variety: Carousels are perfect for displaying multiple products, different angles of an item, various stages of a process, or a collection of related ideas. This variety can be more captivating than a single image or video.
  • Boosts Time Spent on Post: The more time users spend swiping through your carousel, the better it is for the post's visibility. Instagram's algorithm favors content that keeps users engaged for longer periods.
  • Flexibility in Content Presentation: Carousels offer the flexibility to mix different types of content, like images and videos, or different aspect ratios, giving you creative freedom in how you present your content.
  • Space for Detailed Explanations: In educational, instructional, or informative posts, carousels allow you to break down complex information into digestible pieces, each with its own image or video and caption.

So, creating a carousel post on Instagram is still a working solution to grow your Instagram profile.

How To Create A Seamless Instagram Carousel With Lift

Creating a seamless Instagram carousel using the Lift: Reels & Story Maker app involves a few steps. This app is designed to offer you over 1000+ Instagram carousel templates to help you effortlessly piece together multiple images or videos into a cohesive carousel post. 

Here’s how to get your perfect Instagram carousel templates using Lift:

  1. Download Lift: First, make sure you have the Lift app installed on your phone. Download it from the App Store if you haven't already.
  2. Open the App and go to the Posts tab. Scroll through the carousel templates for your Instagram post.

 Carousel Post templates at Lift

  1. Upload your media: Upload the images or videos you want to include in your carousel. Tap the image icon in the bottom right corner.

 Carousel Post templates at Lift

  1. Edit within the app: Use the Lift’s editing tools to ensure consistency across all your slides. This could involve applying the same filter to each image, adjusting brightness and contrast uniformly, or cropping images to the same size.
  2. Preview: Before finalizing, preview the images within the app. 
  3. Save and export: Once you’re satisfied with the images, save and export them to your phone. 
  4. Start your post on Instagram: Open Instagram, tap the + button at the top of your Instagram screen and select Post.
  5. Choose multiple photos (or videos): Tap on Select multiple to pick your carousel content created with the help of Lift. 
  6. Share your carousel: Once you're satisfied, hit the “Share” button to publish your carousel post.

It’s A Wrap

Whether you’re showcasing various aspects of a single event, telling a step-by-step story, or simply sharing a collection of your favorite moments, carousel posts add depth and dynamism to your Instagram feed. By following the simple steps outlined in this article, you can effortlessly create and share these engaging posts. 

Remember, the key to a successful carousel post lies in cohesive storytelling, visually consistent content, and engaging captions. So go ahead, experiment with this versatile format, and watch as your Instagram engagement takes a beautiful turn!

Read more: 

Ruslana Lishchuk

Written By: Ruslana Lishchuk

Ruslana is a Content Manager for the Lift Blog. She's been writing articles on social media, app reviews, macOS troubleshooting for over 3 years.