Get Unique Instagram Story Templates Designed by Lift

Feb 21, 2024 7:55:26 AM | Instagram Get Unique Instagram Story Templates Designed by Lift

Get a unique collection of Instagram Story templates offered by the Lift app. Learn how to use them to create showstopping Stories.

In the bustling world of Instagram, where millions of stories are shared daily, standing out becomes more than a desire—it's a necessity. For instance, imagine a local café aiming to promote its seasonal pumpkin spice latte. Instead of posting a standard photo, using aesthetically pleasing Instagram Story templates, they can create an engaging story that highlights the drink, shares customer reviews, and even includes a poll asking followers about their favorite fall beverage. This level of engagement and creativity not only captures attention but also fosters a deeper connection with the audience, encouraging them to interact, visit, or make a purchase.

Using Lift's Instagram Story Templates transcends basic content creation. It's about crafting stories that resonate, tell a compelling narrative, and ultimately convert viewers into followers, customers, or brand advocates. Whether you're announcing a new product, sharing behind-the-scenes glimpses, or simply engaging in daily interaction, these templates provide the tools to do so with style, coherence, and a touch of creativity that sets you apart. 

Let's dive into how you can leverage Lift's diverse template library to elevate your Instagram Stories, making them not just seen but remembered and acted upon. 

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Elevate your brand's Instagram with Lift’s premium custom templates. Save time and impress your audience with professional and stylish content. DOWNLOAD HERE!

Why You Should Start Using Instagram Story Templates Right Now!

There are several reasons why you might consider using Instagram Story templates:

  • Save time and effort: Designing custom Stories from scratch can be time-consuming. Templates provide a pre-made foundation, letting you focus on adding your own content and customizing it to your style.
  • Maintain brand consistency: Templates can help you establish a consistent visual identity for your brand or personal profile. This builds recognition and professionalism over time.
  • Create professional-looking content: Even if you're not a design expert, templates can help you create polished and visually appealing Stories. This can be especially helpful for businesses, digital creators, or influencers.
  • Boost engagement: Eye-catching Stories are more likely to grab attention and encourage interaction. Templates can offer unique and interactive elements that make your Stories stand out.
  • Overcome creative block: Feeling uninspired? Templates can serve as a springboard for ideas, helping you develop engaging content even when you're short on inspiration.
  • Access affordable design: Many templates are available for free or at a low cost, allowing you to achieve a professional look without breaking the bank.

Instagram Story Templates Created By Lift: Why Use Them

Lift's Instagram Story templates are exceptional tools for content creators and businesses to elevate their social media presence. Using Lift's templates is a brilliant move. Here’s why 

  • Diverse design options: Lift offers a wide array of template designs catering to various themes, occasions, and branding needs. This diversity enables users to find the perfect match for any content type they're planning to share, ensuring their Stories always look fresh and engaging.
  • Customization ease: Despite the professional design, Lift's templates are incredibly user-friendly. Users can easily customize colors, fonts, and images to match their brand identity or personal style, allowing for unique and personalized storytelling.
  • High-Quality Visuals: Lift's templates are designed by professional graphic designers, ensuring each template is visually appealing and of high quality. This professional touch can significantly enhance the visual appeal of your Stories, making them stand out in the crowded Instagram feed.
  • Consistency in branding: For businesses and personal brands, maintaining a consistent aesthetic across all Stories is crucial for brand recognition. Lift's templates help achieve this consistency effortlessly, reinforcing your brand image with every Story you post.
  • Save time and resources: Crafting Stories from scratch can be time-consuming, especially for businesses or influencers who publish frequently. Lift's templates streamline the content creation process, saving precious time and resources that can be allocated elsewhere.
  • No design skills required: Lift's intuitive design interface means you don't need to be a skilled graphic designer to create stunning Instagram Stories. This democratizes content creation, allowing anyone to produce professional-looking Stories without the need for expensive software or design training.
  • Trendy and up-to-date: Lift's template library is continuously updated with the latest design trends and seasonal themes. This ensures your Stories always feel current and on-trend, keeping your audience engaged and looking forward to your next post.
  • Cost-effective: For small businesses and startups, marketing budgets can be limited. Lift's Instagram Story templates provide a cost-effective way to produce high-quality, engaging content that can drive sales and increase brand awareness without breaking the bank.

On top of that, you can enjoy a free 7-day Trial for $0.

Elevate your brand's Instagram with Lift’s custom templates. Save time and impress your audience with professional and stylish content. DOWNLOAD NOW!

Here’s a small list of Instagram Story Templates Lift has to offer:

Love Instagram Story Templates

Looking for ways to surprise your loved ones on Instagram? Download Lift’s Love Story templates and win the hearts of your special ones.

Love Instagram Story Templates

Classic Instagram Story Templates

Going classy on your Instagram? A great strategy! With Lift’s Classic templates, you’ll be able to follow your style and create eye-catching content in no time.

Classic Instagram Story Templates

Instagram Story Templates For A Clothing Brand

Selling clothes on IG! Create more appealing Stories with Lift’s numerous Instagram Story Templates. 

Instagram Story Templates For A Clothing Brand

Minimalism Templates Instagram Story Templates 

Trying to keep your Stories as minimalist as possible? Try the Minimalism set of templates and stick to your style.

Fashion Instagram Story Templates 

Starting out as a fashion designer or already working on your fashion line? Use Lift’s Instagram Story templates for fashion and wow your followers.

Fashion Instagram Story Templates 

Travel Instagram Stories Templates

A travel blog? Perfect! With a vast number of travel story templates, you can win a larger audience and show your followers how beautiful your travel adventures are.


Travel Instagram Stories Templates

Mental Health Story Templates

Working as a mental health coach? Create informative Stories by using any of the Lift’s mental health templates.

Mental Health Story Templates

E-Commerce Instagram Story Templates

Boost your store’s Story views with Lift’s aesthetic e-commerce templates.

E-Commerce Instagram Story Templates

Instagram Story Templates for the Beauty Industry

Make your beauty Stories even more beautiful with Lift’s templates. Download now!

Instagram Story Templates for the Beauty Industry

Manicure and Pedicure Story Templates

Trying to promote your salon or your mani/pedi services? Try Lift’s templates!

Story Templates for Music

Trying to reach more music fans? Use the Music templates to rock your Instagram!

Story Templates for Music

Birthday Instagram Story Templates

Celebrating your birthday, or you’re preparing a b-day party for a friend? Go loud on Instagram with Lift’s awesome birthday Story templates!

Birthday Instagram Story Templates

Instagram Story Templates For A Blog

Trying to promote your blog on multiple platforms? Use Blog templates designed by Lift to simplify this task.

Business Instagram Story Templates 

Grow your business and win an audience by crafting scroll-stopping Stories! Use Lift’s Business templates and start now!

Business Instagram Story Templates 

Baby Instagram Story Templates

Preparing for a baby shower or doing a mum blog? Then, Lift’s Baby templates are just for you!Baby Instagram Story Templates

Health Instagram Story Templates

Working in the health industry and struggling to create appealing Stories? Use Health templates and start enjoying creating content.Health Instagram Story Templates

Black Friday Story Templates 

Use these templates to create mesmerizing Black Friday Stories and sell more.

Black Friday Story Templates 

Check out more of Lift’s premium custom templates. Save time and impress your audience with professional and stylish content. DOWNLOAD NOW!

Instagram Story templates are a powerful asset for anyone looking to enhance their Instagram presence with minimal effort. Lift's Templates offer a perfect blend of professionalism, creativity, and engagement, catering to the dynamic needs of today’s digital storytellers.

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Ruslana Lishchuk

Written By: Ruslana Lishchuk

Ruslana is a Content Manager for the Lift Blog. She's been writing articles on social media, app reviews, macOS troubleshooting for over 3 years.